Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Happy New Year?

Well... it's been a while hasn't it? At least this time I have a proper, legitimate excuse. My computer went to laptop heaven in February and it's been a long 10 months stranded without a computer. Thankfully, I must have been a very good girl as Santa brought me a lovely new sparkley laptop this Christmas. To say I'm happy is an understatement.

It's been a very busy 12 months, both in the kitchen and out. I started college in September which has taken up more time than I thought possible, although I am definitely enjoying it. College has taken away my ability to bake as often as I would like but I have been making every effort to bake as often as possible. I have a medly of new recipes to share with you in the new year, although I can't guarantee that you'll see them with any regularity.

Anyway, have a very happy new year and I hope that your 2014 is filled with happiness and joy. I have a feeling that 2014 is going to be a good year.

Happy New Year!